Creating Team Players For Life Championing Fair Play & Fun

COVID-19 UPDATE – January 2022


Little Wickets’ Fun & Games Continues 


The well-being and safety of our Customers, the Little Wickets Team, our venue partners and the Community remains our top priority. 


Since September 2021 we have been able to operate our sessions normally with only a few (but sensible) additional COVID-mitigation measures in place. Good hand hygiene and regular cleaning of the equipment before, during and after every session remains normal Little Wickets practise.  We also continue to  request that anyone who has been asked to self-isolate or is in a household with anyone who is showing any of the the well-publiscised symptoms of COVID-19 (or any communicable illness for that matter) or has had a positive test result, do not attend the sessions in line with the prevailing guidance


Face Coverings


The Government have announced the mandatory wearing of face coverings in indoor School & Community settings.  Therefore all accompanying adults and siblings over 11 years old coming to our sessions are asked to wear face coverings on entering the venues, whilst moving around inside the venues and whilst watching our Little Wickets sessions, unless they are medically exempt. Under 11s are not required to wear face coverings either indoors or whilst taking part in sports activites.  They may of course shoose to do so if they/you wish.

Our coaches are not in a position to, nor expected to  police or enforce the wearing of face coverings but the venues may refuse entry to those without face coverings (unless exempt).

Whilst face coverings are not required when coaching, the Little Wickets team are encouraged to make individual choices regarding wearing face masks or visors whilst delivering the sessions and we respect their personal choices around this. This is also true of any parents’ individual choice to wear a face covering whilst joining in or assisting their own child(ren) during the sessions, particularly during our pre-school 1st Innings sessions when joining in is actively encouraged.


Our COVID Guarantee


You can book your children’s place(s) with confidence in the full knowledge that should the guidance or your persoanl circumstances change we have a  COVID 100% Refund Guarantee in place. 


We will offer replacement sessions, credit or refund any sessions your child(ren) have to miss due to COVID related issues.  All we ask is that you give us advance noice as soon as you can by emailing


Our top priority will always remain the the well-being & safety of  the extended Little Wickets Family; kids, parents, coaches  and of course the wider community. We will continue to follow the prevailing Government & ECB Guidance.


Little Wickets full COVID-19 Mitigation Risk Assessment is available on request via email from